Commands relevant to Mathematical Methods
Commands relevant to only Specialist Mathematics
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3D-Lines - 3-dimensional vector line problems
3D-Planes - 3-dimensional vector plane problems
Triangles - triangle geometry
aosor - area of surface of revolution
aosort - area of surface of revolution of parametric curve
arcLenv - arc length of a parametric curve
aroc - average rate of change
avalue - average value
axisints - axis intercepts on a function
biCDf - binomial cumulative distribution
biPDf - binomial distribution
bmeth - bisection root-finding method
cis - cis
cosec - reciprocal of sine
cot - reciprocal of tangent
difft - differentiation of a parametric curve
discrete - discrete points on a function (useful for solving certain binomial distribution questions)
hCDf - hypergeometric cumulative distribution (not explicitly on the Methods Study Design, but useful for certain examination questions)
hPDf - hypergeometric distribution (not explicitly on the Methods Study Design, but useful for certain examination questions)
infpts - possible points of inflection on a function
intpts - points of intersection of 2 functions
keypts - key points on a function
lineof - line connecting 2 points
mu - expected value of a continuous probability distribution
nPDf - normal distribution
nmeth - Newton’s root-finding method
normalt - normal to a parametric curve
pcheck - determine functions satisfying an equation
printpts - points on a function given a list of x-values
scalares - scalar resolute
sd - standard deviation of a continuous probability distribution
sec - reciprocal of cosine
simlin - when do 2 lines intersect 0, 1 or ∞ times?
statpts - stationary points on a function
suvat - solutions of variables given constant acceleration
tSolve - solution of tank scenario
tanLinet - tangent to a parametric curve
tank - differential equation for tank scenario
trans - transform an equation
trsum - approximation of definite integrals using the trapezium rule
var - variance of a continuous probability distribution
vectorej - vector rejection
vectores - vector resolute
vosor - volume of solid of revolution